
European elections

on 9 June 2024

Elections for the 10th European Parliament on 9 June 2024

From 6 to 9 June 2024, the citizens of the European Union elected the European Parliament for the tenth time.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, the election taked place on Sunday, 9 June 2024.

Citizens who meet the following requirements are entitled to vote:

  •     You are a German citizen or a citizen of one of the other Member States of the European Union,
  •     You have reached the age of 16,
  •     You have been resident in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the other member states of the European Union for at least three months or you have been mainly residing here for at least this period of time (the three-month period is counted towards a successive stay in the aforementioned areas)
  • You are not excluded from the right to vote in the European Parliament either in the Federal Republic of Germany or in the Member State of the European Union of which they are nationals, 
  • You are entered on an electoral roll in the Federal Republic of Germany.

European electoral law is based purely on proportional representation. Therefore, in contrast to the elections to the German Bundestag and the state parliament, there are no constituencies in the European elections. The voter has one vote. Electoral nominations can be submitted to the Federal Election Commissioner for one federal state ("state list") or as a common list for all states ("federal list").

Further notes and information on the European elections can be found on the website of the Federal Election Commissioner at www.bundeswahlleiterin.de.

Contact us

County District Office Ludwigsburg

Hindenburgstraße 40
71638 Ludwigsburg

Lena Hofmeier

Manuela Sauter

Tel. 07141 144-2002
Fax. 07141 144-59106


External references