
The Celts

in the county of Ludwigsburg

The Celtic Trail

The Celtic Trail connects nine significant finds from the time of the Celts on an approximately 35-kilometre-long path through the Ludwigsburg district. It makes a stop at Hohenasperg, Kleinaspergerle, Fürstengrab (Hochdorf), Keltenmuseum Hochdorf, grave mound in Pfaffenwäldle, Celtic large grave mound Birkle, rich women's grave and the warrior of Hirschlanden.

The Celtic Museum

The Celtic Museum is part of the Celtic Trail. The absolute highlight of the Celtic Museum is the magnificent burial chamber of the Celtic prince, faithfully reproduced from the original. In addition to the burial cult, visitors can also gain an insight into the everyday life and crafts of the early Celtic people. Numerous original finds provide a glimpse into the past and into the craftsmanship of the people of that time.

Demonstrations, courses and hands-on activities take place in the reconstructed Celtic farmstead at weekends from May to August.