From May to October, leisure buses transport cyclists, hikers and day-trippers to interesting towns and beautiful landscapes at weekends and on public holidays. Bicycles can be carried for free on a trailer.
The "WeinKulTourer" connects the Bottwartal and the Neckar Valley. The route leads from Marbach a.N. via Erdmannhausen - Steinheim - Großbottwar - Mundelsheim and Hessigheim to Besigheim.
mountain and valley bus
The "Berg- und Talbus" starts in the Rems-Murr-Kreis and goes to Prevorst and Oberstenfeld. It is ideal for a trip to the Murr-Bottwartal Landscape Park.
Further Information
The brochures with the timetables for download and further information are available on the pages of the Department of Postal Transport