
Leisure buses

Im Landkreis Ludwigsburg

From May to October, leisure buses transport cyclists, hikers and day-trippers to interesting towns and beautiful landscapes at weekends and on public holidays. Bicycles can be carried for free on a trailer.



The "WeinKulTourer" connects the Bottwartal and the Neckar Valley. The route leads from Marbach a.N. via Erdmannhausen - Steinheim - Großbottwar - Mundelsheim and Hessigheim to Besigheim.

mountain and valley bus

The "Berg- und Talbus" starts in the Rems-Murr-Kreis and goes to Prevorst and Oberstenfeld. It is ideal for a trip to the Murr-Bottwartal Landscape Park.

Further Information

The brochures with the timetables for download and further information are available on the pages of the Department of Postal Transport


Suburban Transport Department

Tel. 07141 144-42301

Fax 07141 144-59321 P
