The European Union is not an abstract construct, but directly affects our situation at the local level. Many and sometimes also very extensive regulations - especially those from the environmental sector for businesses and agriculture - now apply directly to towns, municipalities and counties. It is therefore vital that our towns, municipalities and the county of Ludwigsburg deal with European issues and that citizens have more influence on European policy. However, in order to strengthen economic, social and territorial cohesion, the European Union has also created numerous funding opportunities from which its Member States benefit. The European Social Fund is an EU funding programme that reaches people directly in the county of Ludwigsburg. The annual call for proposals for participation in the funding programme can be found here.
The county of Ludwigsburg has been dealing with shaping European affairs at the local level for years. One pillar of our European work is our partnershipswith different European countries, which are maintained by various towns in our county and also by the county itself. The county of Ludwigsburg participates regularly in events related to the European Union and organises events on the subject of Europe throughout the year. More information about upcoming events can be found under European events and information on European events. The Culture and Schools Committee, which is also the Committee for Europe, discusses general and county-related European affairs. The session submissionscan be found at Session submissions on Europe.