
Further contact points and networks in the Stuttgart region

On this page you will find links to the wide range of support services and facilities offered by the state of Baden-Württemberg and the Stuttgart Region for companies. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact us.

Industry, technology and company networks

Technology-related enterprise networks

Virtual Dimension Center Fellbach w.V. - Virtual Engineering in 3D Simulation, 3D Visualization and Virtual Reality

Packaging Valley Germany e.V. - Packaging Machinery and Automation

DESK - Deutsches Zentrum für Satellitenkommunikation e.V.

Cleaning Excellence Center (CEC) - Competence network for industrial component and surface cleaning

Landesnetzwerk Mechatronik BW

Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Würtemberg e.V.

BioRegio STERN  - Network supporting the life science industries

Corporate financing and subsidies