Contact for companies and business-related institutions
The representative for economic development is a pilot, caretaker and networker for companies in Ludwigsburg County. He arranges contacts with companies and business-related institutions, public authorities and municipal and regional economic development agencies, provides information on funding programs and develops strategic projects together with partner institutions in the district. Important strategic topics include digitization, the transformation of the automotive industry, the availability of skilled workers and industrial sites. It is thus an additional point of contact for companies in the district and for those wishing to locate in the district, in addition to the municipal economic development agencies.
The economic development of the district works closely with the other institutions in the field of business, education and employment in Ludwigsburg County. Further information can be found on the respective websites:
Cooperation in the steering committee
The work of the county economic development agency is supported by a steering committee on structural change in the Ludwigsburg district. In addition to the district, the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, the Ludwigsburg District Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Employment Agency, as well as Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, Volksbank Ludwigsburg, the W&W Group and the company Gebr. Lotter are also involved here.
Skilled Workers Alliance
The county econommic development is a partner in the Fachkräfteallianz Landkreis Ludwigsburg. The partners of this initiative bundle their diverse activities to strengthen the district's labor market and education and training. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Fachkräfteallianz