
Sub-department 55

Veterinary medicine and food control - Dr. Ulrich Koepsel


You will find the sub-department management in the building at Hindenburgstr. 20/3 (on the right), as well as branch offices 531 and 532, while branch office 533 is located in the building at Hindenburgstr. 20/2 (on the left).

Floor plan

Branch offices

Official Veterinary Service (GT 551)

GT management: Dr. med. vet. Geiger

Expert activity in the fields of food and consumer goods monitoring, meat and poultry meat hygiene, animal welfare, animal diseases and animal by-products.

Administration and Law (GT 552)

GT management: Ms. Rathgeb

Implementation and execution offence proceedings in the areas of food and consumer goods monitoring, meat and poultry meat hygiene, animal welfare and animal epidemics as well as fees billing and enforcement of wine law, in line with administrative law.

Food monitoring (GT 553)

GT management: Dr. med. vet. Roß

Execution of food, consumer goods and meat hygiene monitoring (e.g. operational controls in food plants, inspection of slaughtered animals and meat including hygiene monitoring in the county, sampling).



The sub-department's main tasks lie in the organisation and practical implementation of food and consumer goods monitoring including meat and poultry meat hygiene legislation, the prevention and control of animal diseases, as well as animal protection in the county of Ludwigsburg. Further tasks lie in drug monitoring for animals used for food production, wine law (administrative enforcement), price indication law (labelling in retail trade) and laws concerning animal by-products (e.g. disposal of carcasses).

As a lower administrative authority, the sub-department performs tasks for the state and is subject to the instructions of the departmental supervisory authority (Regional Authority Stuttgart, Ministry for Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg). Furthermore, the sub-department is responsible for infringements in its own area of responsibility (exception: wine law) as a fine authority.

The staff consists of veterinarians, food inspectors, veterinary hygiene inspectors and administrative experts. Furthermore, bee experts are sought.

Tasks Food monitoring

The main tasks are:

  • Conducting controls in establishments producing, handling and/or placing food on the market, such as restaurants, mass caterers, bakeries and confectioners, slaughterhouses, cutting and processing establishments and direct marketers, food retailers and wholesalers.
  • Conducting controls in establishments producing, handling and/or placing consumer products on the market, such as restaurants, mass caterers, bakeries and confectioners, slaughterhouses, cutting and processing establishments and direct marketers, food retailers and wholesalers. Manufacturers of cosmetics, tableware, clothing and packaging materials, i.e. articles which come into direct contact with food or human skin or mucous membrane.
  • Sampling of food and consumer goods, sampling during ante- and post-mortem inspection, further Analysis at the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Offices in the state, e.g. microbiological, chemical.
  • Tracking of indications and consumer complaints regarding industrial hygiene or the quality of food.
  • Professional consultancy and advice on questions relating to the handling of foodstuffs and consumer goods, in particular on takeovers, new openings and applications for building permits from businesses.
  • Carrying out of ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection including further inspections (trichinosis inspection), measurement of pH value, determination of water-binding capacity of meat, inspection for odour and taste deviations, etc.)
  • Blocking and re-admission of milk producers in case of microbiological deviations. The Milk Testing Baden-Württemberg e.V..

is currently testing milk.

The monitoring activities are carried out by food inspectors and official veterinarians in the veterinary and consumer protection field.

They are supported by experts from the chemical and veterinary investigation offices (food chemists, veterinarians, wine inspectors and other experts) and in cases of illness by doctors and health supervisors of the health protection department.

If deficiencies in or violations of food law regulations are found during company inspections and trial tests, measures may be ordered, including company closures, and fines and criminal offences may be prosecuted.

Tasks Animal Health

The sub-department's field of activity aims at preventing the occurrence and spread of communicable and loss-prone diseases in animal populations and the transmission of diseases from animals to humans. Its tasks include:

  • Registration of livestock holdings, geo-referencing
  • Monitoring of livestock holdings, in particular with regard to identification and registration of animals
  • Monitoring of animal traffic and trade
  • Issuance of animal health certificates, which are permanently or temporarily transferred to another country as part of travel
  • Coordination and monitoring of animal disease control and health monitoring programmes
    Organisation and implementation of control measures in the event of outbreaks or suspicion of outbreaks of notifiable animal diseases

Tasks Animal welfare

Except for a few exceptions (e.g. animal experiments), the sub-department is responsible for implementing animal welfare legislation.

We inspect livestock holdings and take the necessary measures to eliminate any infringements found and to prevent future infringements.

A number of activities involving vertebrate animals are also subject to a permit requirement in order to ensure that animals are kept in a manner that is compatible with animal welfare.

Furthermore, we issue certificates of competence/approvals for the slaughter and transport of animals. As a fines authority, we punish conduct contrary to animal welfare in the event of illegality.

Contact us

Sub-department manager

Dr. med. vet. Koepsel

Sub-department deputy manager

Dr. med. vet. Roß

Administrative office

Tel. 07141 144-2031
Fax 07141 144-59937

De-Mail: mail@landkreis-ludwigsburg.de-mail.de

For the County District Office there is a special public authority mailbox (beBPo).


County District Office Ludwigsburg
Veterinary and Food Monitoring
Hindenburgstraße 20/3
71638 Ludwigsburg

opening hours

Service hours Department 53 - Veterinary Affairs and food monitoring

 Monday - Friday 8.30-12.00 o'clock
 Monday 13.30-15.30 o'clock
 Thursday 13.30-18.00 o'clock

You can visit us at any time during service hours.

However, we recommend that you make an appointment in advance by telephone to ensure that the employee responsible for you does not have any other appointments. 

Further telephone numbers

Further information


For emergencies on weekends and holidays, please contact our answering service (Tel. 07141-144-2031).

Flyer Sub-department 53


The Upper Administration Veterinary Offices were early precursors of the State Veterinary Authorities, which were founded in 1974 as part of the county reform and integrated into the county offices in 1995.