
Sub-department 43

Social issues, Nursing and Care

Responsibilities of Sub-department 43

GT 431 (care for the elderly, care authority, care support)

Elderly Competence Centre
Specialist counselling for elderly care - social planning / planning for elderly care
Nursing Support Baden-Württemberg  - County of Ludwigsburg
Care authority
Social counselling in accordance with the Prostitution Protection Act


Manager Frank Kruse
Tel.: 07141 144-45107
Fax: 07141 144-59412
Frank Kruse

Other contact points

Elderly support

Care support centre

Care Authority

Prostitution Protection Act

Virtual mailroom - care support centre

Virtual mailroom - Prostitution Protection Act

GT 432 (training and career support, debt counselling and debt prevention, housing allowance)

Debt counselling
Housing benefit
Educational support, career support


Manager Erika Kluge
Tel.: 07141 144-41073
Fax: 07141 144-59414
Erika Kluge

Other contact points

Debt counselling and debt prevention

Housing benefit

Bafoeg (student support)

GT 433 (Disability law, social compensation law, pensions)

Social Compensation Law
Severe Disability Law


Manager Jürgen Krummlauf
Tel.: 07141 144-42566
Fax: 07141 144-59942
Juergen Krummlauf

Other contact points


ESF and Youth Lay Assessor election

Youth Lay Assessor Election

Information about the Youth Lay Assessor Election

Youth lay assessors are elected at court for a period of five years - one term of office. The lists of nominations necessary for this for the four districts with district courts in the county of Ludwigsburg (Besigheim, Ludwigsburg, Marbach am Neckar and Vaihingen an der Enz) are decided by the youth welfare committee of the county council. The committee for the election of lay assessors at the district courts elects the youth lay assessors.

Youth lay assessors are honorary judges who are involved in all decisions made during the main discussion of juvenile criminal law matters and have the same voting rights as professional judges. A professional judge and in each case a youth lay assessor form the youth council. In contrast to the adult lay assessor courts, the youth lay assessors are experienced in youth education and contribute to an age-appropriate organisation of the hearing.

The office of lay assessor is an honorary office, which every citizen is obliged to accept. An absolutely impartial attitude, sense of responsibility, knowledge of human nature, ability to communicate, empathy and judgement are essential prerequisites, as well as flexibility with regard to the organisation of appointments/the binding of appointments to the five-year term of office and physical resilience.

One of the personal requirements is that interested persons must be at least 25 years old and not yet 70 years old at the beginning of their term of office, have German citizenship and speak German well, have no criminal record and no major financial difficulties. Interested persons from the pedagogical occupational fields, but also persons who train young people or are active in youth work bring the necessary conditions and experience in dealing with young people. Their primary residence must be in the county of Ludwigsburg. Due to the peculiarity of the four court districts in the county of Ludwigsburg, the assessor's activity is linked to the designation of their place of residence in the district of the district court.

District Court Besigheim with associated municipalities

  • Besigheim, Bietigheim-Bissingen, Bönnigheim, Erligheim, Freudental, Gemmrigheim, Hessigheim, Ingersheim, Kirchheim am Neckar, Löchgau, Mundelsheim, Tamm, Walheim

Ludwigsburg District Court with associated municipalities

  • Asperg, Ditzingen, Freiberg am Neckar, Gerlingen, Hemmingen, Korntal-Münchingen, Kornwestheim, Ludwigsburg, Markgröningen, Möglingen, Pleidelsheim, Remseck am Neckar, Schwieberdingen

Marbach am Neckar with associated communities

  • Affalterbach, Benningen, Erdmannhausen, Großbottwar, Marbach am Neckar, Murr, Oberstenfeld, Steinheim an der Murr

Vaihingen an der Enz with associated municipalities

  • Eberdingen, Oberriexingen, Sachsenheim, Sersheim, Vaihingen an der Enz

The election process for the youth lay assessors starts in the previous year before the beginning of the next term of office. The applications are collected at the Youth Welfare Office from the beginning of the year until the end of March. The resulting lists of nominations, separated into men and women for the four districts of the county, are usually submitted to the Youth Welfare Committee of the County Council for a vote by the end of June at the latest. The list is then made available for inspection and appeal for one week and then handed over to the respective district courts. This concludes the procedure for the election of the youth lay assessors in the County District Office. In late autumn, the Election Committee of the Four Districts of the County elects the adults as well as the youth lay assessors and youth welfare lay assessors for their respective assignments at the courts of the youth lay assessors. Since at least twice as many people have to be on the nomination lists as are then needed and elected, a maximum of half of those interested get a chance. The appointment to the office of youth lay assessor is made by the district courts.

The election has already been completed for the current term of office from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023. Applications for the office of youth lay assessor will be open again from December 2022 to March 2023 for the term of office 2024 - 2028. The necessary application forms will be available in good time.

Contact at the County District Office Ludwigsburg

Birgit Seiberling
Tel.: 07141 144-45142
Fax: 07141 144-59941
Birgit Seiberling

Additional information about the youth lay assessors and the election of lay assessors


The European Social Fund (ESF) 2014 - 2020 in the county of Ludwigsburg. Announcement of the funding amount for the funding year 2020

At its annual strategy meeting at the end of June 2019, the regional ESF working group for the county of Ludwigsburg established the Regional Working Group Strategy 2020 and targets for the implementation of the ESF in the county:

  • Specific objective B.1.1 'Improving the employability and participation prospects of people particularly at risk of poverty and exclusion'

The focus here is primarily on target groups that are often burdened and remote from the labour market and for whom integration into the labour market will only be possible through intermediate steps of social, psychosocial and health stabilisation. These include, among others, the long-term unemployed with special placement barriers, long-term benefit recipients in the legal jurisdiction of the SGB II, immigrants and persons with a migration background, refugees, people with a refugee background, single parents, older people, people with disabilities or people with psychosocial problems.

  • Specific objective C.1.1 "Preventing early school leaving and improving employability"

The aim here is to reach pupils who are at risk of dropping out of school and who cannot (any longer) be addressed by other school systems. This also includes marginalised young people who are not reached by the transition systems in place the interface between school and work or  by youth vocational assistance.

In addition to the two concrete labour market policy objectives, implementation also takes place in accordance with the cross-sectional objectives of the ESF, "equality between women and men", "equal opportunities and non-discrimination" and "ecological sustainability". In addition, the ESF provides for transnational cooperation and social innovation as cross-cutting issues.

General information for applications:

  • Project applications must meet one of the two specific objectives
  • Only one-year projects from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 are possible
  • Only one year projects from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
  • Funding of approx. 449,000 euros will be available in 2020
  • Project promoters can apply until 30 September 2010. Apply in writing to the L-Bank in Karlsruhe in 2019
  • On the ESF website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration Baden-Württemberg you will find the Operational Programme, the documents for the web-based ELAN application procedure, the uniform selection criteria for the funding period 2014 - 2020 for projects in the application ranking, as well as all other information available at www.esf-bw.de.
  • You can find the Announcement for the funding year 2020 with all relevant information on applications, the Regional Working Group Strategy 2020, the Guideline for project presentation/Application presentation and Information on Regional ESF Working Group Ludwigsburg County.

Further information about the ESF:

L-Bank in Karlsruhe              www.l-bank.de
ESF Projects            www.esf-epm.de
ESF at the federal level          www.esf.de
ESF at state level           www.esf-bw.de

Contact the ESF office in the County District Office of Ludwigsburg

Birgit Seiberling
Tel.: 07141 144-45142
Fax: 07141 144-59941
Birgit Seiberling

Contact Head of Sub-department

Hindenburgstraße 30
71638 Ludwigsburg

Sub-department manager:

Heike Dierbach
Tel.:  07141 144-347
Fax:  07141 144-59941
Heike Dierbach

Administrative office:

Sandra Lang
Tel.:  07141 144-45104
Fax:  07141 144-59941
Sandra Lang

Office mailbox:

Social affairs

Postal address

County District Office Ludwigsburg

Sub-department of social affairs, care and pensions
Hindenburgstraße 40
71638 Ludwigsburg

County District Office Ludwigsburg

Sub-department of social affairs, care and pensions
P.O. Box 7 60
71638 Ludwigsburg