Location of the county
The county of Ludwigsburg is the heart of the old Württemberg region. It is embedded in a varied landscape around the Hohenasperg - the unofficial landmark of the county - with its historical fortress situated between Enz and Murr, Glemswald and Stromberg. The Neckar flows through the middle.
The county in numbers
The county of Ludwigsburg covers an area of 687 square kilometres. It covers large parts of the Neckar Basin north of Stuttgart. More than half a million people live in 39 municipalities, including six large county towns. The county of Ludwigsburg is one of the most densely populated areas in the state of Baden-Württemberg, being the northwestern neighbour of the state capital Stuttgart.
Business location for a large number of companies
Progress and tradition are closely interwoven in the county. Around many historic village and town centres there are large, modern residential areas. They testify to the dynamic development and attractiveness of the county of Ludwigsburg for people from near and far. Important industrial and commercial settlements, which are the basis of its economic strength, offer highly qualified, attractive jobs. The focus is on mechanical engineering, vehicle construction and electrical engineering. In addition to numerous medium-sized companies, companies such as Bosch and Porsche, Trumpf or Mercedes-AMG are well-known worldwide. The county has also become a sought-after location for many other high-tech companies and (financial) service providers - including Wüstenrot and our highly successful Kreissparkasse (County Savings Bank) - as well as a centre for film and media professionals.
Viticulture in the county
Wines grow on the steep banks of the Neckar river. The soil features shell limestone and these banks are known to connoisseurs far beyond our national borders. With almost 2,200 hectares of vineyards, the county of Ludwigsburg has around 18% of the Württemberg cultivation area. 192 winegrowing enterprises, 11 winegrowers' cooperatives and more than 60% of the total vine slope region in the administrative region of Stuttgart are the reasons for the great variety of excellent wines in our county.