Hindenburgstraße 40
71638 Ludwigsburg
Tel.: 07141 144-0
Fax: 07141 144-396
Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 12:00 hrs
Monday: 13:30 - 15:30 hrs
Thursday: 13:30 - 18:00 hrs
Click here for directions to the County District Office Ludwigsburg
A total of 687 square kilometres, comprising large parts of the Neckar Basin north of Stuttgart, that is the county of Ludwigsburg. In the northwest it stretches into the Stromberg, in the northeast to the Löwenstein mountains, in the southwest to the edge of the Heckengäu and the range of hills at Solitude Palace.
Located in the heart of Württemberg, the county of Ludwigsburg offers a varied landscape along the Neckar and its tributaries as well as around the Hohenasperg. This striking elevation with its former fortress - which has achieved dubious fame as a state prison and custody for political prisoners under the name "Democratic Hunchback" - is the unofficial landmark of the county and offers a very good view of the terraced vineyards. More than 2,100 hectares of vineyards account for around 19% of the Württemberg cultivation area. Nearly 200 winegrowing enterprises as well as 11 winegrowers' cooperatives in the county of Ludwigsburg produce wines - often on steep slopes using centuries-old special techniques - the quality of which is repeatedly awarded prizes. Other agricultural products from the county are also of the highest quality. A good 50% of the county is still used for agriculture. For centuries, the fertile loess soils of the Langen Feld between Markgröningen and Kornwestheim as well as the Strohgäu were regarded as the granary of Württemberg. Good soils, mild climatic conditions and favourable markets create the best conditions for efficient agriculture in the county of Ludwigsburg. The county's inhabitants don't have to search long for tasty, healthy fruit and vegetables - it's a short walk to the weekly market or to the next farm shop.
The county is one of the most densely populated regions in Germany and, with a forest share of approx. 18%, is the least wooded county in Baden-Württemberg (state average approx. 38%). Nevertheless, 40% of its area is designated as a countryside conservation area, perhaps because what is no longer abundant becomes all the more precious. In the county there are a total of 20 nature reserves, 69 countryside reserves and more than 800 natural monuments, which ensure that retreat areas for humans and animals are preserved. Anyone who has ever wandered across lovely orchards, through beautiful vineyard slopes or the dreamy floodplains of the Neckar, Enz and Glems rivers will confirm that this commitment is worthwhile.